CCTP-Event Planner Professional Program

Hospitality & Travel, CCTP Programs
Combined Hours: 
Course Type: 
Mentor Supported Self-Study Instructor Led - 4 Weeks Long
  • Description
  • Objectives
  • Outline
  • Materials
  • Certification
  • System Requirements
  • Watch a Demo

Our Complete Career Training Programs (CCTP) include both the training you need and the skills you will want in order to be prepared for your new career. We have taken online career programs to a whole new level by bundling our Career Training with Personal Enrichment courses to ensure you have a diversified learning experience.

Our mentor-supported career courses focus on the industry standards that prepare you for your chosen career or certification. You will also get our smaller, four-week long, instructor-led personal enrichment courses to further your employment training.

Sign up today for this all-inclusive career training program! 

Event Planning & Management

Event planners need up to date information that explains everything from how to decorate, to the use of technology, and everything in between. It is through planned events that we remember our shared history, our friends, family, and community. In this course we describe the creative process of event planning, how to identify the needs of your guests, how to budget and control costs and how to develop a design both virtually and in person. You will also learn about video, audio, and other design equipment, as well as how to present design models to potential clients.

Prerequisite(s): None

Principles of Marketing

As consumers, we each experience what could be marketing case studies every day. We are exposed to thousands of advertising messages. We develop needs, research solutions, evaluate options, make purchases, and experience satisfaction or disappointment. This makes marketing a particularly stimulating subject for teachers and learners since its practical application is visible every day. Old rules of marketing are no longer useful to those who want to influence these new consumer’s choices. Our Principles of Marketing course introduces students to the concepts and processes of marketing and takes them deeper into the work of marketing.

Prerequisite: None

Personal Excellence

As a person with unique gifts to offer, it is your responsibility to use your talents wisely and it is your right to enjoy yourself while doing so. In this class we will learn what it takes to develop career-enhancing skills that include: goal setting, time management, and personal organization. You will learn the crucial steps it takes to improve your creative abilities, gain confidence and minimize conflict in your life. Just as a successful business requires a mission and a plan, so does a fulfilling life.

Microsoft Excel® 2019

Microsoft Excel 2019 is a powerful tool you can use to create and format spreadsheets so you can more easily analyze data, share information, and make more informed decisions. With our Microsoft Excel 2019 course, you will learn how to create rich data visualization, PivotTable views, professional-looking charts, print media, hyperlinks, and worksheet web pages.

Start Your Own Event Planning Business

Whether a celebration, business conference, industry show or convention - event planners are often an integral part of a successful event.  Whatever the occasion, planners can assist in the design of the event, locating an appropriate site, determining food, beverage as well as decor needs, locating entertainment, managing the invitation process, arranging travel accommodations, hiring and overseeing personnel, supervising the event and so on.  With all there is to do – it’s no wonder that event planners are in such high demand! 

Accounting for the Non-Accountant

Understanding the basic concepts of accounting is essential to success in business. An accountant’s job is to provide information needed to run a business efficiently, while keeping expenses low and increasing profits. Our Accounting for the Non-Accountant course provides an introduction into the field of accounting geared specifically for the beginner. This course covers the basics of financial statements, fiscal analysis, budgeting and much more.

** Course Subject to Change.

Event Planning & Management

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Define the principles of event leadership and management
  • Recognize the steps for planning an event budget, working with vendors, and necessary time management skills
  • Differentiate between types of virtual and live events, venues, seating arrangements and audio and visual effects
  • Identify various design approaches and how to implement them
  • Recall types of design elements, impacts and sustainability

Principles of Marketing

After completing this course you should be able to:

  • Identify the marketing process and how it fits into business operations
  • Differentiate between categories of consumer criteria for determining value
  • Recall the strategies used within each of the marketing mixes
  • Recognize how to identify target markets and environments by analyzing demographics and consumer behavior
  • Describe best practices for responsible marketing and how to manage marketing efforts 

Personal Excellence

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Define what a strategic plan is and why you need one
  • Recall potential success factors in life 
  • Recognize how to implement goals and follow through on accomplishing them
  • Identify how to select and implement successful strategies

Microsoft Excel® 2019

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • List the basic range functions in Microsoft Excel 2019
  • Identify the correct use of formulas, worksheets, and workbooks
  • Recall how to create professional looking charts, tables, and graphics
  • Recognize how to import, use, and analyze data

Start Your Own Event Planning Business

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Define the event planning business
  • Recognize various aspects of starting an event planning business
  • Recall different ways to market an event planning business
  • Identify how to budget and control finances

Accounting for the Non-Accountant

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Identify the generally accepted principles of accounting
  • Recall the use of income statements in corporations
  • Recognize the short-term and long-term analysis of working capital and ratios
  • List how to budget efficiently for a business or organization

Event Planning & Management

Event Planning and Management Module 1
Event Project Management

  • What is an Event?
  • Event Management Challenges
  • Events, Human History and Culture
  • Role of Event Managers
  • Events as Projects
  • Project Management Perspectives
  • Event Project Definition, Organization and Framework
  • Stakeholder Requirements
  • Project Planning
  • Project Risk Management

Event Planning and Management Module 2
Event Design and Operations

  • Events as Designed Experiences
  • Concept and Theme
  • Understanding Event Experiences
  • Event Staging and Logistics
  • Why Do Operations Matter in Events?
  • Event Operations Strategy
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Event Logistics and Capacity Management

Event Planning and Management Module 3
Human Resource Management   

  • Finding the Right People
  • Challenges in Practice to the Events Industry
  • Event Induction and Acculturation
  • Effective Communication
  • Employee Learning and Development
  • Motivation
  • Maximizing Performance and Retaining Employees
  • Remunerating Staff

Event Planning and Management Module 4
Event Finance and Marketing

  • Financial Terminology
  • Financial Planning and Control
  • Budgeting and Events
  • Methods of Budgeting
  • Comparing Actual and Budgeted Performance
  • Event Marketing Planning
  • Event Sponsorship

Event Planning and Management Module 5
Event Law, Health, Safety, and Risk Management  

  • Legal Environment
  • Legal Requirements
  • Insurance
  • Guiding Principles of Health, Safety and Risk
  • Health and Safety Management
  • Risk Management
  • Risk Assessment
  • Specific Event Risks

Event Planning and Management Module 6
Sporting and Mega Events

  • Overview of the Sports Industry
  • Managing Participants
  • Sporting Events Marketing
  • Defining Mega Events
  • Mega Event Periods
  • Mega Event Tourism

Event Planning and Management Module 7
Public and Business Events

  • Public Sector Specific Events
  • Third Sector
  • Categorization of Business Events
  • Conferences and Meetings
  • Incentive Events and Performance Improvement
  • Networking Events
  • Corporate Hospitality
  • Exhibition and Trade Shows
  • Business Event Customer
  • Business Event Evaluation

Event Planning and Management Module 8
Cultural Events, Sustainability and Media

  • Cultural Events
  • Festivals
  • Programming and Marketing Cultural Events and Festivals
  • Event Impacts
  • Measuring Impacts and Evaluating Events
  • Sustainable Events
  • The Role of the Media in Events Management
  • Media Management

**Outlines are subject to change, as courses are always under improvement for your benefit**

Principles of Marketing

Principles of Marketing Module 1    
Marketing Fundamentals

  • What is Marketing and Value
  • The History of Marketing
  • Who Does Marketing?
  • Delivering Customer Value
  • Marketing Benefits Society
  • The Value Proposition
  • Strategic Planning
  • Developing Organizational Objectives
  • Strategic Portfolio Planning

Principles of Marketing Module 2
Consumer and Business Buying Behavior

  • Factors that Influence Consumers’ Buying Behavior
  • Stages in the Buying Process
  • The Marketing Process: Crucial to Business Operations
  • Situation Analysis
  • Characteristics of Business to Business Markets
  • B2B E-Commerce and Social Media Marketing
  • International B2B Markets and Ethics in B2B Markets

Principles of Marketing Module 3    
Market Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning

  • Targeted Marketing VS. Mass Marketing
  • Segmenting and Targeting
  • How Markets are Segmented
  • Segmenting by Demographics
  • Segmenting by Geography
  • Selecting Target Markets
  • Choosing Number of Markets to Target
  • Positioning and Repositioning Offerings

Principles of Marketing Module 4
Product and Service Decisions

  • What Comprises an Offering?
  • Product, Price, and Service
  • Product-Dominant Approach
  • Service-Dominant Approach
  • Types of Consumer Offerings
  • Types of Business-to-Business Offerings
  • Branding, Labeling, and Packaging

Principles of Marketing Module 5
Offerings and Marketing Channels

  • New Offering Development Process
  • Managing Products over the Course of the Product Life Cycle
  • Marketing Channels and Channel Partners
  • Typical Marketing Channels
  • Functions Performed by Channel Partners
  • Distribution
  • Managing Inventory
  • Marketing Channel Strategies
  • Channel Dynamics

Principles of Marketing Module 6
Supply Chains

  • Outsourcing and Offshoring
  • Sourcing Strategies
  • Supply Chain
  • Product Tracking
  • Demand Planning
  • Inventory Control
  • Warehousing and Transportation
  • Track and Trace Systems

Principles of Marketing Module 7
Integrated Marketing Communications

  • Consumer Purchasing Behavior
  • Marketing Information Systems
  • Marketing Research and Market Intelligence
  • Integrated Marketing Communications
  • Promotion (Communication) Mix
  • Communication Process
  • Message Strategies
  • Advertising and Direct Marketing
  • Public Relations

Principles of Marketing Module 8
Digital Marketing and Professional Selling

  • Technological Factors
  • Email Marketing
  • E-Commerce Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Professional Selling
  • Sales Metrics
  • Ethics in Sales and Sales Management
  • Outsourcing the Sales Function

Principles of Marketing Module 9
Customer Satisfaction and Price

  • Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, and Empowerment
  • Ethics, Laws, and Customer Empowerment
  • Pricing Framework
  • Firm’s Pricing Objectives
  • Factors that Affect Pricing Decisions
  • Pricing Strategies
  • Product Costs
  • Price Adjustments

Principles of Marketing Module 10
The Marketing Plan

  • Marketing Planning Roles
  • Functions of a Marketing Plan
  • Budget
  • Forecasting
  • Ongoing Marketing Planning and Evaluation
  • The Marketing Audit
  • Basic Principles of Marketing: Putting It All Together

**Outlines are subject to change, as courses and materials are updated.**

Personal Excellence

Personal Excellence Module 1
Your Mission and Vision in Life

In week one, we will learn what a strategic plan is and why you need one in your life. We will also go over the finding your main purpose in life and how to take the steps to reaching that goal of success.

  • Life Strategic Plan
  • Why Have a Strategic Plan
  • Find Your Purpose
  • Your Personal Mission
  • Your Vision of Success

Personal Excellence Module 2
Success Factors in Life

This week we will look at what it is that you need in order to succeed. So many times we are pulled way and distracted by menial things and our success is deferred.

  • Critical Success Factors
  • Finding Your Strengths
  • Finding Your Weaknesses
  • Finding Your Opportunities
  • Finding Your Threats

Personal Excellence Module 3
Steps to Success

What goals would you like to set for yourself? This week we will study how we can implement goals and follow through on accomplishing them. We will touch on time management and how happiness is sometimes left out of our daily schedules.

  • Setting Goals
  • SMART Goals
  • Time and Emotions Study
  • Time Management
  • What Makes You Happy

Personal Excellence Module 4
Creating Your Simplementation Plan

In our final week we will discuss how to select our successful strategies and how to implement them. We will also go over what happens when you are overwhelmed, or feel like there isn’t enough time – there are strategies to help overcome these obstacles. Finally, we will learn how to create our own Simplementation plan and apply it to everyday life.

  • Selecting Successful Strategies
  • Implementing Strategies Into a Plan
  • How to Prioritize
  • Overcoming Obstacles
  • How to Create a Simplementation Plan

Microsoft Excel® 2019

Microsoft Excel® 2019 Module 1
Working with Ranges

In Excel, a range is a group of two or more cells that work together rather than separately.  The range is the basic function that makes Excel a powerful tool, and it is discussed in this module. We start by learning how to fill a range with values, move or copy them, and insert or delete them.  After that we discuss range names and how to use them.  We conclude by discussing how to format fonts, colors, alignments, numbers, column widths, row heights, and other range options.

  • Excel’s Ribbon User Interface
  • Data Entry
  • Cell Formatting
  • Working with Columns
  • Editing Workbooks

Microsoft Excel® 2019 Module 2
Getting Organized 

Once a range is populated and formatted, it’s time to do something with that data. In this module we discuss how to change page orientation, view your pages in Page Layout view, and how to print all or just some of your worksheets. We move on to discuss how to maintain and manipulate the worksheet, which is where you spend most time in Excel, then you will learn how worksheets and workbooks go together. We describe how to name your cells, find and replace information, and how to categorize and maintain multiple worksheets.

  • Previewing Pages
  • Printing
  • Maintaining the Worksheet
  • Multiple Worksheets
  • What-If Analyses

Microsoft Excel® 2019 Module 3
Tables, Charts, and Graphics 

Once you have your workbooks and worksheets created, it’s time to do something useful with your new tools. In this module we first discuss the purpose and multiple uses of Pivot tables. Then we dive into the basics of creating professional looking charts and graphics. Finally, we discuss how to set up and work with data lists in Excel, as well as how to link, automate, and share spreadsheets.

  • Pivot Tables
  • Working with Charts and Graphics
  • Creating Data Lists
  • Linking, Automating, and Sharing Spreadsheets

Microsoft Excel® 2019 Module 4
Using and Analyzing Data 

In the last module of this course, we explore the do’s and don’ts of working with Excel and we discover important skills required to use Excel successfully. We also discuss how to manage and maintain loads of data and we identify trends in your data.

  • Beginner Basics
  • Commandments of Excel
  • Managing Data
  • Analyzing Data

Start Your Own Event Planning Business

Start Your Own Event Planning Business Module 1
The Event Planning Business

In module 1, we will learn more about the different areas of event planning and the differences in clients you will market to. Module one will also explore the costs of starting your own business, both financially and mentally. Additionally, we will look at the time frame you will work with, and how to coordinate the event.

  • Who Hires Event Planners
  • Building Your Business Foundation
  • Calculating Start Up Costs
  • Design Time
  • Coordinating the Event

Start Your Own Event Planning Business Module 2
Getting Started

Module 2 goes over the initial questions to consider and pieces to implement when starting your business.  This module will look at how you will finance your business the initial equipment needed to get started.  Finding reputable vendors sometimes proves to be a difficult task, but in this module, we will discuss networking strategies to use to find the cream of the crop.

  • Choosing a Location
  • Creating Effective Proposals and Agreements
  • Financing Your Business
  • Hiring Employees
  • Hiring Outside Vendors

Start Your Own Event Planning Business Module 3
Types of Marketing

Module 3 will take you through a marketing plan and discuss what pieces you should include in your marketing campaign.  Making decisions on which group(s) to market is key.  Once you have decided your target group, you will be able to use the tips found in this module to help you organize and advertise your website for the intended audience. 

  • Networking to Business Success
  • The Power of Customer Service
  • Starting Up a Website
  • Marketing Your Website
  • The World of Social Media

Start Your Own Event Planning Business Module 4
Managing Your Finances and Final Steps

Module 4 focuses on financial considerations, billing policies, and how to manage accounts.  We will discuss how to budget and control your finances and how to overcome any potential financial bumps in the road.  So many new businesses fail, but we will share tips and ideas of how to operate your company successfully.

  • Financial Statements
  • Maintaining Cash Flow
  • Planner Profiles
  • Keep Your Business Healthy
  • Recipe for Success

Accounting for the Non-Accountant

Accounting for the Non Accountant Module 1  
Accounting Basics

Module one provides an overview of bookkeeping and various financial statements, such as income or statement of cash flows. It also illustrates how proprietorships, partnerships and corporations operate and use accounting principles differently. Each type of business uses accounting for different purposes. Finally, proper accounting standards and how they are used will be addressed. 

  • What is Accounting?
  • Understanding Financial Statements
  • Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
  • U.S. Accounting Standards vs. International Standards
  • Balance Sheets

Accounting for the Non Accountant Module 2 
Income Statements and Cash Flow

Module two illustrates the importance of understanding income statements, specifically what they are and how businesses use them. Aspects of business revenue, profits, losses and expenses is also covered. You will learn how to prepare a profit and loss statement. By the end of module two, you will also have working knowledge of capital stock, dividends and treasury stock.

  • Understanding Income Statements
  • Statement of Cash Flow
  • Capital Stock
  • Cash Dividends and Stock Dividends
  • Treasury Stock

Accounting for the Non Accountant Module 3 
Financial Statements and Analysis

Module three will teach you how to analyze and examine financial accounts. You will learn how to conduct business analysis, determine financial risk and understand dividend data. Short term analysis versus long term analysis is discussed, as well as understanding assets and ratios.

  • Double-Entry Accounting
  • Short Term Analysis
  • Assets and Ratios
  • Quality of Earnings
  • Dividend Data

Accounting for the Non Accountant Module 4 

Module four provides an overview of planning, creating and managing a budget, as well as discussing the differences between sales and capital budgets. Ideas for working with auditors for interpreting financial statements and dealing with audits are provided. Finally, tips for preventing fraud in your business and ethically appropriate practices are given.

  • Planning and Controlling a Budget
  • Sales and Capital Budget
  • Audits and Auditors
  • Fraud and Ethics
  • Preventing Fraud in an Organization

Ed4Career is committed to being both environmentally conscious and making it easier for you to study! We’re making your education mobile! All of our textbooks are now provided as eTextbooks*. You can access them on your laptop, tablet, or mobile device and can study anytime, anywhere.

The move away from physical books to eTextbooks means you get the latest, most up-to-date version available. This also makes your training more accessible, so you can study anywhere you have your phone or tablet. The best part is that all materials are included in your training cost so there are NO extra fees for books!**

*A few courses still have physical materials.

Event Planning & Management

Upon successful completion of our Event Planning and Management course, students will be prepared for an entry-level job in the Event Planning industry and to sit for the NCCB national certification exam to become a Certified Event Planning Specialist (CEPS).

** Certification exams are not included in the cost of the course.**

Internet Connection

  • Broadband or High-Speed - DSL, Cable, and Wireless Connections

*Dial-Up internet connections will result in a diminished online experience. Classroom pages may load slowly and viewing large audio and video files may not be possible.

Hardware Requirements

  • Processor - 2GHz Processor or Higher
  • Memory - 1 GB RAM Minimum Recommended


PC Software Requirements

  • Operating Systems - Windows 7 or higher
  • Microsoft Office 2013 or higher. Also, you could use a general Word Processing application to save and open Microsoft Office formats (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx)
  • Internet Browsers - Google Chrome is highly recommended
    • Cookies MUST be enabled
    • Pop-ups MUST be allowed (Pop-up Blocker disabled)
  • The Kindle Reader App or VitalSource Bookshelf App are needed for many of our courses (No special equipment needed. This can be downloaded for FREE onto your computer.)
  • PowerPoint Viewer (if you do not have PowerPoint)
  • Adobe PDF Reader
  • QuickTime, Windows Media Player &/or Real Player


MAC Software Requirements

  • Operating Systems - Mac OS x 10 or higher with Windows
  • Mac office programs or a Word Processing application to save and open Microsoft Office formats (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx)
  • Internet Browsers- Google Chrome is highly recommended
    • Cookies MUST be enabled
    • Pop-ups MUST be allowed (Pop-up Blocker disabled)
  • The Kindle Reader App or VitalSource Bookshelf App are needed for many of our courses (No special equipment needed. This can be downloaded for FREE onto your computer.)
  • PowerPoint Viewer (if you do not have PowerPoint)
  • Adobe PDF Reader
  • Apple QuickTime Media Player